Friday, December 12, 2014

2014-12-12 UK: US lackey in GITMO, likely also in torture...

2014-12-12 UK: US lackey in GITMO, likely also in torture...
UK colludes with the US even in the detention of its own citizen by US in GITMO!
Although CIA torture report was censored, growing demands in UK to investigate its part in the torture program... Over the past two decades, a coalition of English speaking nations is driving the world back to the Middle-Ages... In contrast, late US Justice Louis Brandeis wrote regarding Magna Carta and Habeas Corpus: "The greatest achievement of the English speaking courts is establishing Liberty by law".
The revelations of brutal torture techniques used by the CIA add weight to calls for the release of the last British prisoner being held in Guantanamo Bay, an MP has...

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